Pass the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam on your first try. When you take our live 5-day PMP® Exam Prep Course, which is powered by Velociteach®, you get more than just an instructor-led class. We give you a comprehensive, accelerated learning program that includes live instruction from subject matter experts, eLearning, step-by-step guidance, and all the study tools you’ll need to pass the PMP® exam. This course is based on the New PMP Exam Format and Official Exam Prep course material provided by PMI.
We are proud of the customer service we provide– we are here to support you before, during, and after class to make sure you succeed on the exam. No other provider gives you the number of resources and materials that we does, designed to accommodate every learning style. If your goal is to get PMP® certified in the least amount of time with the best curriculum and instruction, you’ve come to the right place. Your success is our success!
What is included in the course?
All courses will be offered with:
- Certificate of completion with PDU value for all participants
- Original teaching materials for each attendance
- Course reference book
- Course workbook containing quizzes, exercises …
- Online access for a minimum of three months
- More than 1800 Questions for exam preparation courses
- Exam Application Assistance